The Mace is a unique, unconventional training tool designed to improve your grip and core strength. This is especially relevant for athletes who require good grip and core strength. It also makes the training sessions a whole lot more interesting, and fun as opposed to conventional training tools.
What You Will Learn
Learn how to properly use this amazing tool of training while minimizing possibilities of injury – swing it out of the park!
Learn the traditional techniques of Mace swinging and use them in Mace competitions worldwide!
Certify as an Instructor! Learn how to educate others on mace swinging all the while looking awesome swinging the mace into the sunset!
Finally In Canada!
Our presentation of Canada’s first ever Mace training certification will inform, educate, and inspire with the history of the Mace, as both a weapon and a training tool. Safety and proper use of grip in both two hand, and one hand moves. Warm-ups and stretches to promote stronger tendons and lifelong training.
Some, but not all, of the moves covered:
1. The hand-to-hand toss
2. The Grave digger
3. The Barbarian squat
4. The giant Punch
5. The Ballistic Curl
6. The Leverage Press
7. The Russian Twist
The most important moves, and the most time spent will cover the 10 to 2, and the 360°. These will be taught and stressed for safety, and with a performance TESTING standard that will be based on people’s bodyweight. Students must show ability in the drills and do 100 reps in the 10 to 2 movement. The 360° move will be taught for both one, and two hand versions. Workout design and sport specific routines will be presented.
The students who attend will be introduced to the Mace and will leave with a thorough knowledge of how to use and instruct others with this incredible strength building tool.
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